Pizza Cicoli e Scagliuozzi

A pizza with scagliuozzi? Yes, it can be made

by Enzo Coccia Like every morning, today too, leaving home early I met Nunziatina, the porter, which greeted me and held me with her usual chat about how cold the last few days have been. “How cold it is today Mr. Enzo” – said Nunziatina – “these are really terrible days. Since it is cold,

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Pizza with buffalo mozzarella. Is this a quality pizza?

by Enzo Coccia
Towards the end of 1994 the then Naples’s mayor, Antonio Bassolino, had the brainwave of wanting to certify a product like the pizza that would represent Naples. He discussed it with Mr. Antonio Pace, President of Vera Pizza Napoletana Association, and they decided to write a disciplinary that would safeguard this product. At that time, I was...

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Pizza Procidana: I copied the recipe once again

by Enzo Coccia
During my investigation on the arrival of the tomato in Naples I came across Vincenzo Corrado’s book, entitled “Dal cibo pitagorico ovvero erbaceo per uso de’ nobili e de’ letterati”, written in 1781 and published by Edizioni Stamperia Raimondiana. Curios about it, I soon started to read up on the writer’s figure. Vincenzo Corrado was born in 1736...

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Pizza “canotto”: but what does it mean?

by Enzo Coccia
Often, talking to someone we use the expression “Don’t you understand me? Do I speak Arabic?” when the speaker  fails to understand the idea that you would like to express. Many months ago, the New York journalist Daniel Young  asked me what I thought about a new way of conceiving the pizza “a canotto”(dinghy pizza). Imagine the context:...

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The balance between tradition and innovation

by Enzo Coccia
I was present at the art exhibit Concerto per archi e fili d’erba by Carmine Rezzuti  and Quintino Scolavino, realized by Marco De Gemmis and Patrizia Di Maggio, launched on Saturday, October 29 at Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (Naples’ National Archeological Museum), both as an ordinary visitator and as a helper in preparing the buffet, letting the participants taste murzilli and...

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Antichi pizzaioli

The Neapolitan pizza: an ancient craft

by Enzo Coccia The survey conducted by Milan’s Chamber of Commerce just before mid-August holiday on the growing presence of non-Italian pizza makers, especially in the major cities of Central and Northern Italy, calls for thought away from the summer heat. In Milan and in Bologna one pizzaiolo out of two is an immigrant, one

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